14 February 2009

Jack-In-The-Box & Lucy-Goosy!

Just because we don't have kids, doesn't mean we don't have a lot of fun with our furry-kids!! We have had Jack for about 4 years and he has always been really entertaining. When we first got Lucy he ran and hid all the time for almost a year. Finally, he realized that she wasn't going to eat him and started being a part of the fam again. Last week, I was getting the mailings together for the church and caught him playing in this tiny box. He loves to hid in spots that are too tiny for him or behind things. And he spazes out and runs all over the house sometimes too (among other silly things that he does). And if you are thinking that he looks like a big cat...you're right. He weighs about 18 pounds! Although this sounds horendous, he is only about 3 pounds overweight. He is supposed to be about 15 pounds normally, according to the vet. This picture doesnt pictate his fangs, but he has some big ones. We think he is a tiny panther, not a house cat :) Matt and his friends used to call him Slayer for a long time.

And as always, Lucy tries to command all the attention when she is not sleeping. Especially when we are playing with Jack! She is super jealous of any attention he gets. As I am writing this, she is trying to get me to pet her instead of writing this blog :) A few weeks ago, Rob and Matt were playing Mario cart and she would not leave them alone because she wanted them to play with her.

She tried to get Matt to play first...

When he didnt comply, she moved on to Rob. She tries to lick their faces because they are scratchy!! After a while, they finally gave in and played with her. Jack and Lucy are always entertaining...and like children, always love attention :)

1 comment:

Leo said...

Duuuuude! Ya'll gotz the BLOG! That's kinda cool.