08 January 2010

Winter Wonderland Part 2

Christmas Day, YEAH!!

Christmas Day was way more fun for playing in the snow. The blizzard had stopped so we just had lots of great snow to play in without the drizzle and ice hitting our faces! Lucy just loves the snow and gets so excited to play in it when we get any so she had the time of her life. This is one of those pictures where I had to trick her to look. I was holding her second BFF above the camera (her frisbee).

And here are some pics of all the snow we got although they dont really do it justice. The front porch was covered even with the planter of snow and higher in some spots with the drifts. The night before, all of the windows were all snowed on and we couldnt even see outside...but that went away when the sun came out.

Our door was snowed shut for several days as well because we never got out to scrape! Im sure the mail people loved us for that, oh well!
A few backyard pics of the drifts. Its hard to tell but it was a ton of snow!

Despite all the snow, we decided to brave the weather and roads and pack up and head out to Tulsa. We thought it was going to be decent by 1:00 or so but we were VERY wrong which we would find out later. It took about 45 minutes to make it to the Turnpike from our house. We saw well 100-150 cars abandoned on the sides of the roads between OKC and Tulsa and witnessed a few wrecks and close calls. People were driving so badly that day, they would blow by everyone and wipe-out. It was crazy! We had to pull over for one family and call 911 for them because they were injured and the other driver of the parked semi that they ran into didnt speak English!! People were driving so crazy that day I am just so happy and thankful we made it with minimal issues and no wrecks. And 3.5 hours later, we made it to Tulsa and didnt leave the house again until we came back to OKC on Sunday. This is how we spent our time there:

Lounging, watching lots of movies, playing in the snow and eating!!

While we were busy building a snow man, Lucy, Sampson and the Chihuahua's were playing in the snow.

Check out Shay's gloves...duct taped plastic bags over knitted gloves. She wanted something water proof and I guess it worked well :)

Second level completed.


The eyes were buttons, the nose and "sweater" buttons were dog bones, the mouth was licorice candy, the pipe was a dead plant and an old hat from my mom and a scarf I made last year.
By the time we left, the dog bones and licorice pieces were eaten by Lucy! Oops!

So that was the end of our traveling adventures that week and we made it back without any drama. In hindsight it was a poor decision to go to Tulsa but I am glad we made it safely and got to spend time with our family. It would have been sad to be without them this year.

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