24 October 2009

Utility Bags

I finally got around to making these things for my kitchen. I havent come up with a cute trendy name for them yet, so utility bags it is, for now. The idea for them came from an article in Country Living I think. Pam saw them and thought it looked like something I would make. I guess she was right :) The white fabric with yellow flowers is some old vintage fabric from a lady at church and the yellow flower patterned fabric were just some "fat squares" from Joanne's fabric. I like those things alot because you can usually get just what you need without a lot extra wasted fabric. And often times, like today, they are on sale for $1.00. I went to purchase just a couple of yellow ones and ended up buying like 30 of them for future projects.

I had actually made some last week but they were too short and the utensils were kind of falling out. Thats why I made more this week. These turned out a lot better. I am very pleased with them. I wanted them to hang above the stove but I forgot that there is some plastic back splash stuff that you cant screw into. Oh well.

And they can be multi-purpose as well. A few months ago I made some for Katie's nursery to hang on the side of her changing station to hold wipes, diapers, etc. They could also be used in a bathroom to hold curling irons and hair dryers and stuff. Although if you have been in our bathroom, you would know that it is WAY to small for something like that. I will have to wait on that for another house.


bopha said...

very cute, you are too creative. I love the new background, i almost used that one, too bad we aren't blog twinkies. Funny how i can find time to change the look but not to actually blog. lame.

Erin said...

I saw these in the nursery at Katie's and thought they were TOO cute! Great job, Shannon!