14 May 2009

Lucy vs. Her Vaccintions....

and the winner is.........the vaccinations :( Poor Lucy had to go and get her annual vaccinations along with a check up on her heart condition and she ended up having a very rough day. This is her 4th time to have annual vaccinations and the last two times have been very eventful. The first time, she lived with other owners, the second time was normal, but the third time she looked like this but worse when I got home:

I picked her up and as soon as we got home she started panting like crazy, licking her paws furiously and rubbing her body on anything she could. And then she started to break out in hives all over her body and her face swelled much like the picture above but worse. I immediately panicked and drove 30 minutes back to the vet in which the whole time I was balling and thinking Lucy's throat was going to swell and she would stop breathing before I made it back to the vet. Once I got there, they gave her a benedryl shot and assured me she would be fine and she was. On the way home, I took these pics in the car at the gas station. The swelling has already gone down immensely at this point because before she had the shot, she couldnt even open her eyes at all!!

We got her home and all was well until today. We had to take her again for her shots and this time they gave her a prophylactic benedryl shot before the vaccinations AND we left her there all day so they could make sure it wouldnt happen again but wouldnt you know, as soon as Matt got home, she had the same exact reaction as last year!! He rushed her back for steriod shots this time and again she looked much like the pictures above (I lost or had my camera stolen this week so I dont have pics of her from tonight).

It is so weird that this would happen again and that she never had ANY problems the first two years of her life w/ her vaccinations. Whats the deal?? Well I felt really bad that she had such a rough day and that I was busy entertaining all night. Last year that happened when we had people over as well. Luckily tonight, Matt was able to stay with her and make sure she was okay while us ladies played Bunco. Nothing like a little drama to make the day exciting! On another note, we had a super fun night of Bunco and now that everyones gone, I can take care of my fur kid for the rest of the night. Its events like this that make me paranoid to have kids. Imagine how much more worried I would be about a baby than just my dog!! They would have had to give me a steriod shot for sympathy hives :)

Lessons learned: Lucy hates vaccinations, never plan anything else the whole day that Lucy has to get shots next year becuase you never know what will happen and make sure to take lots of pictues becuase she looks super cute with her chubby face :)


Unknown said...

poor lucy, I a hope she is feeling better!


(I would cry to if something that scary happened to our dog!)

Ted and Anne said...

That is scary Shannon! I'm glad Lucy (and you) are okay...poor thing!

ashley o. said...

holy cow, what a scary moment! i'm glad that you are able to look back and smile at the pictures (since she's doing okay now) but i would be terrified to see my little boxer look like this! i'm glad your doing good lucy!