19 November 2008

Lucy's bff (besides Charlie)

To get this blog started off right, we thought we would take a video of Lucy chasing her bff, Dottie (the laser pointer dot, hence the name we gave it). She is OBSESSED with it to the point that if she even thinks we are going to get it out, she won't leave you alone for at least an hour!! Her obsession didn't start out this extreme...it has progressed over the last 6 months. She chases it mostly in circles inside but outside or at the church gym, she will chase it along the walls and fence until we make her stop and get water.

This is the first video we took of her chasing this thing so it is a work in progress. She moves too fast for the camera! Eventually we are going to take a better video soon and send it into America's Funniest home videos!

I am sure this isn't the last to come of silly dog videos and pictures...


Ryan and Katie said...

hilarious...every time....

Anonymous said...

Geez! Your dog is nuts! How does he not get dizzy?

bobtheberto said...

Lucy is going to become a internet video Celebrity!!!