17 November 2009

Dr. Matt in the making

It's a rare occasion these days when I get to go to work with Matt and check out the awesomeness of his lab. But a couple of weeks ago we went up there on Saturday afternoon so I took some pictures to share. I dont know how he gets things done but I guess he does because he is almost finished. Everytime I go there, I just want to clean up his mess but I never do!

Every good doctoral candidate needs a good workspace...clean and organized to get proper brain juices flowing! You cant tell it by this picture but the shelf looks like it is about to fall on your head when you sit at the desk because it is overloaded with heavy books and what not. (Not pictured: dirty dishes and shoes and other random junk all around).

And of course, plenty of hazardous chemicals that not only can kill you, but kill trees and fish according to the above label!

I sat on the sidelines and knitted while waiting for Matt to finish up his work.

Matt made some crazy chemical a few days before and let it dry in the bottle. This is what it looked like after he took a close up picture of it through the glass bottle. It looks like Mars or something to me. And if you are really interested, Matt drew the chemical diagram at the bottom of what this is that he made. I'm sure all of you will open up a new tab and look it up straight away wont you!!

In all seriousness, I am super proud of my husband and cant believe he is almost Dr. Matt. How weird is that! He will be finished officially in May but maybe earlier than that. Please keep us in your prayers as we are actively searching out jobs for him and if you hear of a chemist opening, please let him know.


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Esther Crouch said...

Does Matt not have to wear some kind of protective garments while making up chemicals that kill fish and look like Mars....?