07 November 2009

Silly Lucy

The other day, we looked over on the couch and Lucy was looking very creepy. She was sleeping but her tongue was sticking WAY out of her mouth. I tried to get a picture but she had scooted it back in some. Still creepy looking though.

And then the other day I bought her a new walmart girls sweatshirt. I put it on her when she stays outside when it is chilly. It is way cheaper to buy a kids sweatshirt and cut it than buying a dogs coat. But I put the sleeves on her legs and they looked like 80's leg warmers.

She was not amused and quickly tried to pull them off and play tug!

1 comment:

Hi, I'm Deanna. said...

Ha! So cute! Did you cut the sleeves off or you just can't see the rest of the sweat shirt? I thought of Lucy today at Walmart when I was looking at snuggies and saw a snuggie for dogs!! I guess they need them for all that phone talking and book reading they do...or maybe just because people like to match their pets.